丹佛机器:过去,现在, & 未来


冰球突破下载, located in Henderson, CO, celebrates its 100th 经营年限. The company was founded in 1916 by the Great Grandfather of the current owners 斯科特和埃里克 White.

在公司成立100周年之际, 斯科特, and twin brother 埃里克 with their management team and employees, continue to service multiple industries with manufacturing support, 重型机械修理, 重型工业机械, 以及一般的设备维护. Denver Machine has played an integral part of Colorado’s growth in the industrial sector since 1916.


怀特夫妇的曾祖父, 弗雷德, bought out his partner and became the sole owner of 冰球突破下载 100 years ago. 原来的商店位于阿拉帕霍和17号th St. in downtown Denver (as seen in the building on the very left). This shop was a two story building where motors on the floor powered ceiling mounted drive shafts, 哪个延伸到整个商店, 配有皮带. The shafts drove multiple leather belts that powered the lathes and mills below. Speed changes were accomplished by moving the belts to different sized sheaves mounted on the machines. (The background picture under the first building above is a photograph of the inside of the original shop.) The early shop served the local gold 矿业 industry and also supported the blooming agricultural industry as well. Even though the transcontinental railroad had been complete for nearly 50 years, many rail companies still utilized Denver Machine’s services in the early days.


This is a name plate on a large lathe that is still being used to this day.

弗雷德 moved the shop several blocks away to a newer building on 14th 和布莱克街. in 1931 (2nd 左起的建筑物). 二战期间, Denver Machine aided the war effort by manufacturing Howitzer shell casings and many components for military vehicles such as Jeeps and 2-1/2 ton trucks (The men of those days can be seen in the shadow picture above the 1931 shop).

埃德•白, 弗雷德’s son, joined the shop in 1945 after returning from active duty in the Army. Since Ed was involved in the air compressor industry through his first job at Sullivan Machinery, he was able to secure a distributorship for LeRoi Pneumatic Equipment and that turned into a division of 冰球突破下载 and in 1956 a separate business, 丹佛空气机械公司.,形成了. They focused on distribution and repair of pneumatic air equipment for the 矿业 and 建设 industries. It was located a couple miles from the machine shop in Denver on 6th 大道和布莱恩特街. (中楼以上).)

吉姆 White, Ed’s son joined the shop in 1969 and was joined by his wife Lee shortly thereafter. They took over the control of 丹佛空气机械公司. 1976年,艾德得以退休. 当经济在20世纪80年代初出现周期时, and local 矿业 and 建设 industries went into recession, Denver Air Machinery was involved with the closure of LeRoi Division, 现在是德莱塞工业的一部分. 吉姆 and Lee made adjustments and were able to concentrate solely on 冰球突破下载 which was in a state of emergency since it too was tied so heavily to the 矿业 industry. 吉姆 and Lee were able to shift focus to markets concentrating more on building maintenance and local 建设 as well as many infrastructure projects including support in the 建设 of Denver International Airport. 吉姆 and Lee built the company into a thriving small business which concentrated on multiple diverse markets including local building maintenance, 电梯, 本地印刷业, 科罗拉多普韦布洛的炼钢业, equipment repair for Colorado molybdenum and coal mines, 建设项目, 铁路、公路机车维修, 以及食品加工行业,如面包店, 灌装操作, 牛奶厂, 糖厂. With the rejuvenation projects to rebuild lower downtown, 冰球突破下载 was forced to move due to the demolition of nearby buildings which affected the precision of the shop’s machinery. A new location was found a couple miles to the North, still in Denver, on Denargo St. just North of Coors Field (second building from the right above).

吉姆 and Lee sold the business in 2002 to 冰球突破 who was joined by twin brother 埃里克 in 2003. 吉姆 and Lee remained a big part of the business until 2006 after which they retired and 吉姆 took on the role of Senior Advisor. In 2009 埃里克 and 斯科特 purchased the major equipment from a company, Industrial Sales & Services which repaired large aggregate 矿业 machinery including rock crushers, 筛分设备, 以及混凝土和钢材回收设备. They subsequently hired key management, employees, and sales staff who worked for IS&S and successfully entered the market of Aggregates repair and wear item sales after the recession of 2009 ended. The new equipment was too big for the shop at that time so 斯科特和埃里克 leased a portion of a larger fabrication shop, Longero, 公司.在离机械车间几英里的地方.

When development started surrounding the shop with influx of 6 story downtown residences, 斯科特和埃里克, 在吉姆和李的帮助下, took advantage of the property value of the land the Denargo building stood on, and successfully moved the business 10 minutes North East of Denver in 2014. 其目前的地址是,9762汉诺威Ct. East, Henderson, CO (last building on the right above). 新工厂占地3万英尺. of manufacturing space and overhead crane capacity of 60,000 lbs and easily houses the larger equipment that was operated at Longero.

With the 建设 market booming in Colorado throughout 2014 and 2015 the Aggregate market has steadily grown for Denver Machine as the need for gravel, 混凝土, 和沥青, 已经增长到支持建设了吗. A new business has emerged for 冰球突破下载 selling wear parts to the customers who require. These parts include the manganese mantles which are used in cone crusher maintenance, Hardox wear plate for lining hoppers and heavy equipment blades, Rubber products for lining some hoppers and conveyors, 陶瓷和耐磨合金的其他应用. The ware item sales have grown to 25% of Denver Machines’ revenues and so a new business unit has emerged, DM易损件.

On March 31, 2016, 斯科特和埃里克 purchased 剑道 公司., a 60 year old metal processing and fabrication shop located in Commerce City about 10 minutes from 冰球突破下载. 它的位置在费尔法克斯街5700号. The new acquisition positions 冰球突破下载 to increase its capabilities for its existing customers, opportunities to develop both companies customer base by cross selling each company’s unique products, and opportunities to service a more diverse market place for both companies. For the 100 Year Celebration 冰球突破下载 announces proudly (as shown on the banner above) an organization Denver Machine Service Centers with three separate business units operating within the organization: 冰球突破下载, DM易损件, 和剑道公司.

斯科特和埃里克, 在父母吉姆和李的帮助下, have managed to grow the business by double digit percentages every single year and now run a business many times the size of what it was when they joined the company in 2002. 有了新设施的能力, the company continues to grow and shows much promise to be a successful business far into the 21st 世纪.

What contributes to the success and succession of a 100 year old machine shop?

The business model was established early in the company’s history. “回来 in the day, they had no way to buy spare parts,埃里克说。. 在20世纪初, 弗雷德 would use the main dining room of the Oxford Hotel across the street from Denver’s Union Station, to conduct business with suppliers and customers — there were no telephones and suppliers and customers alike would meet there for lunch.


Setting up precision work on a large VTC (Vertical Turning Center)

这家公司为农业生产零配件, 矿业, 钢, 和铁路工业,在零件可用之前,斯科特说。. 尽管事物会发生变化,但它们也会保持不变. “最大的区别是,他继续说道。, “is today we focus on machines where parts are no longer available.”

“计划报废”适用于烤面包机和电视, 但对于大型采矿设备, 这些机器太贵了,不能扔掉,斯科特补充道. 事实上,书中有整整一章都是这样写的。”一条通向可持续发展的简单之路,” was dedicated to 冰球突破下载’s notably green strategy of keeping old machines going. “We make the usable life of equipment longer,” 斯科特 says. Much of the equipment the company services is at least 50 years old.



Ranging from Pueblo 钢 mills to aggregate mines in the high country to 混凝土 and 钢 recyclers, the company’s clientele remains surprisingly similar to what they were in 1916. The railroad work has been largely supplanted by 建设 and property maintenance business — fixing 100-year-old Otis 电梯 in downtown Denver is a specialty — and 石油和天然气 work. The business has always been low-volume — lots of one or two or 15 parts, not hundreds or thousands.

Today after 100 years, 冰球突破下载 is pivoting again. “Some of our traditional markets are really dropping off,埃里克说。. “首先是煤炭.“这是多米诺骨牌效应. 就地运煤意味着铁路方面的工作量减少, 燃煤电厂, 还有钢铁制造业.

“我们看到了市场的变化,”埃里克说. “We went through the Great Depression, several major recessions, and everything else. “我们不得不多次改变行业。”. This is a lesson the Whites’ have passed down through four generations.



这是一种轻描淡写的说法. 该公司的历史与科罗拉多州相似. 矿业的繁荣与萧条, 建设, 石油和天然气, 现在是精酿啤酒, 以及丹佛的发展模式.

最近的一次收购与该战略相吻合. 2016年3月,冰球突破下载被收购 剑道 公司orporated, a Commerce City-based metal fabrication shop that’s been in business since 1960. “They have capability to build all kinds of custom fabrications and specialize in forming 钢,埃里克说。.



挑战: 劳动力. “我们正在创造就业机会, but it’s difficult to find people who want manufacturing to be their career,埃里克说。.

教育和培训是关键因素, and strides are being made at the state and national level, 怀特夫妇说, 但丹佛机械商店还有另一个策略. “我们不会让员工提前退休,”斯科特说. “我们让员工想工作多久就工作多久.”

Another challenge is having parents pass knowledge down to their kids. There are several father-son manufacturing teams on the payroll. “很难训练人们去做我们所做的事情,埃里克说。, noting that it once took the company’s apprentices seven years to become journeymen.

This article is dedicated to the 4 generations of the White family who have prospered through good times and struggled through hard times, and also to the future generations who will carry Denver Machine into the next 100 years.

A special thanks to Bart Taylor for the last 2 articles in:


请参阅最近的文章 http://companyweek.com/company-profile/denver-machine-shop 埃里克·彼得森著, 7月23日的公司周, 2016 of which portions of the 100 Year History article above ( including interview of 埃里克 and 冰球突破 and several photos) are used.